Do You Have A Valid Claim?

What should you do if you find yourself in a car accident? In this post, we wanted to cover some matters of importance. However, before we continue, please bear in mind that this information is meant to guide you in the right direction, but it is not legal advice.

Accidents can happen to anyone, at any moment, anywhere. It might just seem like something you only see in the news or hear about on the radio, but the truth is that car accidents do happen in real life. The thing is that we never expect it to happen to one of us.

In the event of an injury, you should call for medical aid immediately. Try to remain as calm as possible, even during crisis. Be sure to document everything by taking photos of the collision, as well as the location, license plate, and car of the other party involved. Your insurance company will want proof as well as details of the incident, so it is best to get a copy of the police report as well. If you are the victim, the goal is to have everything you need to provide sufficient proof of why you deserve the maximum recovery. If you are the party at fault, the goal is to gather proof of the facts, as some parties seek to get more than their fair share of recovery by exploiting the insurance and legal system. Whether you are at fault or the victim of a car accident, make sure you collect as much evidence as possible of the when, who, what, and how.

Michelle Carter was driving down the highway one sunny Saturday afternoon and found herself in gridlock. It was the long weekend and families were in a rush to get to the beach. Cars were stuck in traffic and the weather was blazing hot. Michelle ended up getting rear-ended by some impatient drivers and suffered a minor concussion. Luckily, her husband Luke was in the passenger seat and did not suffer any injuries. Her husband was able to quickly call for medical assistance and step outside of the vehicle to take photos of the incident.

The Carters were involved in an injury accident where a third party was at fault, resulting in Michelle getting injured. However, they were unsure as to whether or not they had a valid claim. The couple consulted with a personal injury Poway attorney shortly afterwards and were relieved to discover that they were entitled to more compensation than what they had originally estimated. Many people might find themselves in a similar position to the Carters but do not consult with a legal expert, thereby missing out on the potential to recover the maximum compensation amount.

We wanted to highlight and recommend Villasenor Law Offices, by lawyer Christopher Villasenor, who specializes in cases involving Car Accidents in Escondido. Villasenor has over 20 years of experience in various areas of practice, including personal injury litigation. If you are in need of a car accident lawyer, you can give his office a call.

Christopher Villasenor, Attorney | Poway & San Diego County

Villasenor Law Offices
12396 World Trade Dr, San Diego, CA 92128, United States