A close friend of my wife, Julia, has been wrestling with a difficult decision for years. Julia has been married to Fred for nearly a decade, and together, they share two young children with twins on the way. While Julia would have preferred to keep her family intact, a troubling pattern in their relationship has …
California’s highway 1 is one of the most beautiful stretches of road in the country. Stretching from the southern reaches of Orange County to the sparsely populated Mendocino county in NorCal, the highway traverses the state’s rocky coastline for the better part of 700 miles. The highway is most well known for the breathtaking views …
Property crime in the United States is rising once again as police departments and property owners are still reeling from the sudden spike that coincided with the 2020 Covid pandemic. This initial spike in crime saw a rise in organized crime targeting retailers, no doubt taking advantage in the political and social unrest that characterized …
With the number of car accidents rising year over year, it’s often a matter of “when”, not “if” you will be involved in a potentially life-altering accident. For me, it happened a few short days after I got my driver’s license as a teenager. The story goes that I was driving to school. I was …
Years ago, an acquaintance of mine was involved in a motorcycle accident that ended up taking him out of commission for the better part of half a year. The accident was caused by a distracted driver watching a Tik Tok video not seeing that my friend had shifted into their lane. Despite how clearly the …
Prenuptial agreements, or prenups, have gotten such a bad rap over the years that many soon-to-be-married couples dread the prospect of even bringing up the subject during the leadup to the wedding. Prenups are often treated as cold, calculating, and often inherently exploitative by one or both partners. The process can be unromantic, forcing future …
Running a business is a difficult thing to do at the best of times. In my experience, there really is no such thing as a ‘night off’, you’re always either looking at your phone, waiting for the next email to come through or dealing with yet another crisis that’s come up in the past 45 …
I have a relatively wealthy friend who has recently gone through some significant marital troubles, which served as the inspiration for this post. I’ve left out the name and any obvious identifying characteristics in deference to his privacy, but his story may be of interest to the regular readers of this blog. My friend has …
Throughout my life, I’ve been both the victim of and the perpetrator of a few car accidents. Whatever position you’re in, it’s an amazing shock the suddenness from which you’re pushed from the routine into the extreme. The first accident I ever got into was as a teenager, fresh from my driving test and excited …
Many parents of disabled or sickly children live in near constant worry about what will happen to their kids once they’re gone. Our system is set up in such a way to make it basically impossible for them to be taken care of or have their needs be met by the government, so parents have …